~Hans Christian Anderson
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thus spake the Butterfly....
~Hans Christian Anderson
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Bidding Bye by the Bay.....

The highlight of the trip was a ride through the various villages of Goa with Anup and Amay on a 'Ganesha-spotting-spree’.

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Memoirs of a Rainy Rendezvous.....
To find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness.
~Robert Brault
And when that ‘special someone’ urges you to revive your blog just so that she can read it sitting miles away (probably during a well earned break after a hard day’s work)....what would you write about? Well I couldn’t think of anything else but about those vivid memories of a rainy rendezvous with a ‘near stranger’ who’d soon become a ‘far companion’.
It happened almost a year back. The Monsoons were at their zenith and I decided to travel down south the Indian peninsula to fulfill a promise given to this someone special. The otherwise dry Deccan landscape was covered in a green tapestry of brimming life. The sun beams split into a myriad spectrum of colours across the cloud laden sky, almost like an impressionist watercolour. There was a nip in the air, hinting that the rains were there to stay.
The anticipation before meeting up with someone is probably the best and the worst part of actually meeting that person, and especially so, if you’ve been planning to give her a surprise. Well, as it turned out to be, in the end there is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved.
As I walked out that rainy evening with her, climbing up a ridge to the so called ‘End Point’ which overlooks a magnificent valley, little did I realise that it was the beginning of a journey of a lifetime. A lifetime of happiness and sorrows, of light and shadows, of hopes and dreams....
The rain drenched streets wore a new hue that day...it is actually difficult for me to pin point that hue...so i captured it in celluloid and believe me, that colour was all I could see.....it was everywhere....
On the petite petals of a lone flower in a fern covered swale....

On the smiling faces of a happy family of lilac blooms....

On the fresh foliage of the plants in the park...

Splashed on the monsoon evening sky....
Even the evening light had that mystic glow....

Was it pale Indigo ? Or a Purple haze?...no it was Sheer Lilac...or was it Mauve?
May be it was Twilight Lavender....indeed the light had a tinge of Amethyst like glow...
Almost as if I was looking at the world through fuchsia tinted lenses....
We walked through the undulating lanes, carefully stepping around the puddles of rainwater reflecting the azure sky , gazing at the valley below us lying outstretched till the horizons. My camera conducted its ‘unassigned role’ well... that of being the ‘conversation piece’. The ice breaker....
As we watched the sun set behind the clouds and felt the first few raindrops on our faces...we knew it was time to return back...back to the world of family, of friends, of relationships, rules and realities.
With so many words left unspoken...
so many dreams left unshared....
so many thoughts left suspended....
we walked back to part ways to the worlds where we lived our separate lives. As I boarded the overnight bus to Goa, I looked out of the window once again, for one last glimpse of her which I could treasure in my box of memories and then....at that moment I realised, she was wearing a lavender coloured dress.

Friday, April 16, 2010
Stopping by the Alley.....
The world has changed or rather evolved since then...
....Laptops have given way to tablets...
.....The good old Windows XP has given way to Windows 7...
....Wi fi has become a household term...
....Blogs have been taken over byTweets...
....Sharing one’s life with someone has acquired a new meaning....
....Perspectives have been realigned..
.....Life's mantra rewritten...
.....Memory boxes defragmented...
Yet the enchantment of strolling down this alley never ceases to surprise my still ‘juvenile’ mind.
Yesterday was Vishu, The festival of renewed hopes and new dawns, a festival which promises better tomorrows as days go by. One of my first musings in this alley of dreams was about Vishu and the memories attached to it.
Memories of those carefree childhood summer holidays spent without an iota of guilt for 'doing nothing'....the excitement on the eve of Vishu day to collectbunches of Konna Flowers(Amaltasin Hindi, Cassia fistula) to auspicate the dawn of the New year... To peek into the puja room for a sneak preview of the auspicious Kanni (coiffured ‘Omen’) which mom and the other ladies of the house would have carefully arranged ....helping Grand Dad polish the old traditional bronze lamps until they shine as if dipped in molten gold...watching the blue green mangoes ripen in the mellow sunlight...counting and recounting the money gifted by the elders on the day of Vishu (the only day when cash is legitimately and willingly gifted to kids by elders as a token of prosperity). Time and distances have of course mellowed down the glitter of the festival but the memories it brings are still as fresh as the fragrance wafting from the burning Camphor flames.

‘Reclaiming one's life’ is a cool catch phrase which has been doing rounds now-a -days. But reclaiming one's own life isn’t easy when it comes to putting it into practice. The tendency to get stuck in the cobwebs of one's mundane thoughts and tiresome actions is so strong that repelling it becomes another task of its own. At times I feel that it is indeed a bliss to lose oneself in one's dreams, disconnected from the chaos around, like a kite that has just broken free from its thread, willing to lose itself to where its fate and the wind takes it to.
Recently, I happened to read a thought provoking quote on one of the most unlikely places....scribbled onto an aging tattered diary in my own handwriting with its carefully articulated cursive hand (which the nuns at school used to enforce) which I thought had gotten lost in those growing up years.
The quote was by none other than Mark Twain and it read like this
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.....
So throw off the bowlines.....
Sail away from the safe harbour...
Catch the trade winds in your sails...