It’s been almost a year since I last punched in a few words on this blog. Well I have a thousand reasons to explain my absence from the blogosphere…..but I’d rather refrain from citing them. In between, I started my professional career as a landscape architect in Delhi . Along with it came a surge of responsibilities and dead lines. ‘Office’ got so much precedence that it kind of eclipsed those small pleasures of life. The alley of my dreams, got shrouded in a veil of complacency. Now that I am taking a break from office, I thought this is the best time to dust my alley and rekindle those dying ambers of hope.
Nice thing to do, Sandeep, and a beautiful pic there..!
Welcome back..!
Have Fun, Take Care and GOd BLess!
With Best Regards,
yahooo!! finally, you shameless boy! keep getting lost!
good to have you back.
Hey Srijith, Sonal and Rohan....
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